News, Media, Events UNSA - Promotion of the PELMOB Project within the PhD Defense of Samir Džaferović Interne UoM - World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims Interne TUW - 8th AIEE Energy Symposium on Energy Security 2024 Interne UPKM - Erasmus+ Info Day Interne TUW - Mission Solar CEE Region 2024 Interne UPKM - Promotion of Student Internships Interne UNSA - European Mobility Week 16-22 September 2024 Interne UNSA - International conference 13th B&H Congress on transport infrastructure and transport, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 19.-20. September 2024 Interne UNSA - Research on the offer of electric vehicles in Bosnia and Herzegovina Interne UoM - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Interne UoM - 1st Info day for student enrollment Interne UNSA - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Interne UNSA - 1st Info day for student enrollment Interne UES - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Interne UES - 1st Info day for student enrollment Interne UAMD - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Interne UAMD - 1st Info Day for student enrolment Interne UDBM - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Interne UDBM - 1st Info day for student enrollment Interne IBCM - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Interne IBCM - 1st Info day for student enrollment Interne AUB - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Interne AUB - 1st Info day for student enrollment Interne AASKM - 2nd Info day for student enrollment Interne AASKM - 1st Info day for student enrollment Interne UNI - LXVIII ETRAN Conference and 11th International Conference IcETRAN Interne UPKM - Info Day for student enrolment Interne UPKM-Info Day for student enrolment Interne International Conference "Advances in Traffic and Communication Technologies (ATCT)" -"AI Crossroads: Shaping the Future of Traffic and Communications" (UNSA) Interne Info Day for student enrolment (UAMD) Internet Green Week on AASKM Internet Green Week on UOM Internet Green Week on UES Internet Green Week on UDBM Internet Green Week on POLIS Internet Green Week on IBCM Internet Green Week on AUB Internet First meeting of working group for Green week promotion (IBCM) Internet Green Week on UNSA Internet Green Week on UAMD Internet Promotion of Green week on UAMD Internet Promotion of Green Week within the PELMOB Project (UNSA) Internet PELMOB- Promotion and popularization of Electrical mobility and the results of the project in HEIs and Albanian ecosystem (POLIS) Internet Reindustrialization and new products - a vision for the sustainable development of Montenegro (UOM) Internet Promotion of Green Week within the PELMOB Project on the UES Internet Promotion of Green Week on the AASKM Internet First meeting of FSP_UAMD-EMA EMA with Green week promotion Internet First meeting of FSKL EMA with Green week promotion Internet Green Week promotion at UDBM Internet International conference Traffic, Transport, traffic accidents, education, Zlatibor, Serbia, 16.-18. Maj Internet Green Week at the University of Montenegro Internet Promotion of Green Week at the University of Sarajevo Internet Preparatory Classes for enrolment FTS - UPKM Internet Erasmus + project Inter project coaching meeting Internet UPKM Green Week day 5 Promotion of laboratory equipment acquired within the PELMOB project - electric scooters, bicycles and scooters Internet UPKM Green Week day 4 - FTS TV Sports events Television report of TV of Faculty of Technical Sciences about the realization of sports events during the Green Week. Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 Humanitarian show "Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 - FTS TV Humanitarian show "Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" Television report of TV of Faculty of Technical Sciences about the realization of Green Week's humanitarian fashion show. Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 Humanitarian show "Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 Humanitarian show "Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" Interview with Stefan Boškoćević student of Faculty of Arts. Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 Humanitarian show "Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" Interview with Marija Maksimović student of Faculty of Technical Sciences. Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 Humanitarian show"Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 Humanitarian show "Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" Interview with the dean of Faculty of economics prof. dr Tanja Vujović. Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 Humanitarian show "Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" organized by the Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Arts with the goal of promoting the environmental protection and electrical mobility. Internet UPKM Green Week day 3 Humanitarian show "Donate your prom outfit and save the planet" organized by the Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Arts with the goal of promoting the environmental protection and electrical mobility. Internet UPKM Green Week day 2 Exhibition in the gallery of the Faculty of Arts "RECIKLART" Internet UPKM Green Week day 2 - FTS TV Exhibition in the gallery of the Faculty of Arts "RECIKLART" Interview with the dean prof. Ester Milentijević and students of Faculty of Arts Internet Green Week - day 2 UPKM Exhibition in the gallery of the Faculty of Arts called "RECIKLART". Internet UPKM Green week - day 2 Photovoltaic Laboratory Trainer in Student Educations for REO, Wind power training systems. Interview with the dean of Faculty of Law prof. dr Slobodanka Perić and their participation in Green week. Internet UPKM Green week - day 1 Ceremonial Academy Interview with Jovana Šmigić, Student Prorector and Margareta Smiljanić, President of the SKONUS. Internet UPKM Green week - day 1, Ceremonial academy in which the most prominent students, partners and professors were awarded and given the certificates of appreciation. Internet UPKM Green Week, day 1, Ceremonial Academy Awarding of the Best Student Award and Meritorious Student Award Internet UPKM Green Week, day 1, Ceremonial Academy, Mr Ivan Zaporožac, President of the Municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica Internet UPKM Green Week day 1, Ceremonial Academy, prof. dr Nebojša Arsić, UPKM Rector and Coordinator of the PELMOB project Internet UPKM Green Week day 1, Ceremonial Academy Internet Round table “Development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Montenegro” Report PELMOB Local Workshop: Networking with EM stakeholders and citizens in WBC – Student magazine and media promotion Report Erasmus+ Days at Aleksander Moisiu University Report "International Conference on Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Technology" (ICNSMT-2023), Durres, Albania Report Erasmus+ Info Day at University of Mitrovica Report Promotion of electromobility on TV Prva Video (TV Prva) "Logistics Day" at Faculty of Traffic and Communications in Sarajevo Report 9th International Conference "Towards a Humane City Reshaping Mobility" Novi Sad Report Workshop on electric mobility at University of Montenegro - Round table "Safety of road users in road tunnels in case of fire" Report 9th Energy Council „Digital transformation and a circular economy for the low carbon future of the Western Balkans“ Report PELMOB study visit at LUT (HUNGARIAN) Internet Workshop on electric mobility at Science and Innovation Days in Podgorica Report Workshop on electric mobility in Podgorica Report Interview on Public TV Service TVSA ”Sarajevsko jutro” Report Workshop of electric mobility at Novi Sad Fair Report The 3rd Regional Professional Seminar "Civil Engineering and Transportation 2023'', Belgrade Report International Conference "Advances in Traffic and Communication Technologies (ATCT)" -"Sustainable urban mobility" Report PELMOB promotion at the International Sarajevo Book Fair 2023 Report PELMOB promotion at University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Traffic and Communications – Bosnia and Herzegovina, master, and doctoral students Galway University Ireland Report “Let's drive green" conference - Bosnia and Herzegovina auto-moto club (BIHAMK) Report Workshop on electric mobility at University of Montenegro Report Obuda University's newspaper - Hírmondó prepared an article about the PELMOB Kick-off meeting (HUNGARIAN) Newspaper PELMOB Project coordinators Prof. Dr. Nebojša Arsić and Dr. Aleksandra Petrović were guests at TV Show ,,Aktuelnosti'' of Television ,,Most'' where they promoted the project and talked about the benefits to the University and local community About PELMOB project - MOST TV Newspaper "Jedinstvo" about PELMOB project and the Kick-off meeting PELMOB in "Jedinstvo" PELMOB Kick-off meeting broadcasted on Dankos Plus Television INICIJALNI NAUČNI SKUP NA PRIŠTINSKOM UNIVERZITETU - DANKOS PLUS TV - YouTube Newspaper "Novosti" prepared an article about the PELMOB Kick-off meeting Radio Kosovska Mitrovica on PELMOB Kick-off meeting Kosovska Mitrovica: Inicijalnim skupom na prištinskom Univerzitetu, zvanično započeta dva velika međunarodna projekta – Radio Kosovska Mitrovica ( Radio Kontakt Plus on PELMOB Kick-off meeting Information and details about PELMOB Kick-off meeting described on the Web Page of the University of Mitrovica Одржан Информативни дан Еразмус+ програма - Универзитет у Приштини са привременим седиштем у Косовској Митровици ( PELMOB project introduced and promoted at the Erasmus+ Info Day, which took place at the Rectorate of the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, on 7th December 2022. Erasmus+ Info Day