Work packages

Work Package 1: Project management and coordination

Lead Beneficiary: UPKM

Start Month: 1

End Month: 36


  • Establishment of the project bodies: Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Quality Assurance Committee.
  • Organization of kick-off and project management meetings
  • Development of the Project management plan.
  • Day-to-day coordination activities.
  • Submission of interim and final reports.


T1.1 - Partnership agreement preparation: Partnership agreement will be prepared by project coordinator and signed within the first six months of the project period.

T1.2 - Kick-off meeting: UPKM – project coordinator will organise kick-off meeting in M3. The Project Coordinator will present how the project will be managed. During the meeting will be established project bodies: Steering Committee, Project Management Committee, and Quality Assurance Committee; defined communication channels and specified in detail all necessary organizational and management activities as well ongoing and upcoming project activities.

T1.3 - Creation of Project management plan: For the efficient management of the project, the Project management plan will be developed and adopted. It will describe how to deal with the management activities: tasks, schedules, teams, time and risk management, correspondence with partners, reporting, contingency plan, communication plan, beneficiaries, EACEA and NEO, internal monitoring and helpdesk.

T1.4 - Regular SC and PMC meetings: Steering Committee (SC) and Project Management Committee (PMC) will have two regular meetings per year. To avoid multiple travel costs, whenever possible and the meetings of SC and PMC will be held at the same time and place, within other planned events, such as workshops, study visits and QAC meetings.

T1.5 - Day-to-day coordination of project activities: The Project coordinator, with an assistance by PMC and WPLs will perform daily activities by assigning the tasks, reviewing the results, synchronizing the activities between partner institutions and within their own institutions and planning next activities.

T1.6 - Interim and Final Reports: Interim report on overall project activities during the first half of the project lifespan will be prepared and submitted at the mid time of the project life. It will include risk management plans and control mechanisms. Report on overall project activities during the whole project life will be submitted at the end of the project.

Work Package 2: Introduction with key issues for popularization EM in WBC

Lead Beneficiary: TUW

Start Month: 1

End Month: 8


  • Introduction with key issues related to EM in EU and WBC
  • Analyses existing curricula related to EM in EU and WBC
  • Workshop: Comparative analysis of EM in EU/WB HEIs – problems and needs in WB
  • Survey for EM community awareness in WBC
  • Creation of report on survey EM community awareness in WBC


T2.1 - Introduction with key issues related to EM in EU and WBC: This activity includes an analysis of existing EM regulations and best practices in the EU. Also, the experiences in the application of EM in society will be analyzed in Report on EM established practices and innovations. EU reports will consist of the following content: Promotion of Electric Mobility in the EU—, Overview of Best practices in EU; Overview of the legal framework of electrical mobility in EU; Overview of financing tools: financing mechanisms and business models fit for purpose of electrical mobility in EU; Overview of the policy framework: regulating the market and stimulating action for electrical mobility in EU. WBC Reports will include the current situation related to EM; Overview of the legal framework of electrical mobility in WBC; Overview of financing tools: financing mechanisms and business models fit for purpose of electrical mobility in WBC; Overview of the policy framework: regulating the market and stimulating actions for electrical mobility in WBC.) Non/academic partner and an Associated partner will participate in compilation of the report through provision of relevant data.

T2.2 - Analysis of Existing Curricula Related to EM: The structure and models of the existing curricula in the field of EM will be analysed by EU and WB HEIs. The special attention will be paid to the applicability in WB HEIs, EU teaching methodology, educational system, learning methods, courses, and specific competencies and learning outcomes related to EM. These analyses will be foundation for developing EM catalogue of competencies and courses in WB HEIs. The comparative analysis of current curricula in EU and WB HEIs will be performed during the three-day workshop organized at TUW in M6.

T2.3 - Survey of EM community awareness in WBC: A survey of WBC community awareness of the use of EM will be conducted. The questionnaire will be prepared by AASKM based on EU HEIs expert advices. Draft survey will be adopted and conducted in each WBC in local languages. Non-academic partner and an associated partner will assist during the preparation and conduction of the survey. The results on survey will be discussed during the workshop in TUW. The report on survey will give direction for further activities needed to popularize EM in the WBC according to survey results and EU recommendations. The report will be used for creating action plan for EM associations within WP4.

Work Package 3: Development of EM curricula and labs

Lead Beneficiary: ОЕ

Start Month: 6

End Month: 18


  • The purchase of laboratory equipment, set up of laboratory and monitoring of set up.
  • Defining the standards for EM curricula in WB HEIs.
  • Defining the aims, content and learning outcomes of courses comprising EM curricula, as well as teachers' competencies and teaching methods.
  • Designing of EM catalogue of courses aligned with EU HEIs best practices.
  • Preparation of teaching materials.
  • Study visits for WB teachers.


T3.1 - Set up of EM laboratories: After finalisation lists of equipment with technical specification, WB HEIs will prepare and launch tender documentation for purchasing of the equipment. Laboratory instruments needed for educational purposes will be purchased and set up. Also, equipment will be used for popularisation of EM by EM associations.

T3.2 - Defining of specific competencies and learning outcomes: Catalogue of competencies will be prepared by each WB HEI. The aims, specific competences and learning outcomes, as well as teachers’ competencies for developed EM curriculum will be defined. Non-academic and an associated partner will have role to present the most valuable competencies in accordance with the information obtained from the labour market and business sector.

T3.3 - Designing of EM courses: At least 71 new/modernized courses will be designed. The courses design will be defined by each WB HEI in accordance with defined competences of students. Developed courses content and syllabi will be revised by EU partners. Catalogue of courses for developed EM study programs should pass modernization/ accreditation procedure (decisions on modernising or accreditation study programmes) in order to provide sustainability and include developed EM curricula in regular teaching process.

T3.4 - Preparation of teaching materials: WB HEIs will create teaching material in line with EM catalogue of courses. Teaching material – manual for students will be prepared in electronic and paper forms and reviewed by EU partners. Electric Mobility Manual for students (up to 100 pages, B5). Some of manual main chapters are: 1) Energy Storage Systems and New Battery Technology for Electric Vehicles, 2) Integration of Electric Vehicles in Power Distribution Grids, 3) Powertrain and Mechatronic Systems in the Electric Vehicle, 4) Automatic Control Systems in Electric Vehicles, 5) Internet of Things for Electric Vehicle, 6) Motor Drives and Power Converters for Electric Vehicles, 7) High Power Density Electrical Machines for Electric, Vehicles, 8) Automotive Systems and Software Engineering, 9) Environmental Impacts of Electric Vehicles, 10) Electric Mobility EU Regulations. Manual will be created in local and English languages. In order to develop the spirit of cooperation during the project, it is necessary that all WB HEI partners work on one Electric Mobility Manual. Each partner will work on one chapter of this manual.

T3.5 - Study visits for WB HEI teachers: The goal of the study visits is to educate WB teachers about innovative teaching methods as well as to improve the professional, pedagogical and methodological knowledge. Four three-day study visits will be organized in EU HEIs with participation of at least 88 WB teaching and admin staff (NKUA M8 – 22  staff, LUT M11 - 22 staff, OE M13 - 22 t staff and TUW M17 - 22 staff).

Work Package 4: Creation of associations for popularization of EM in WBC

Lead Beneficiary: NKUA

Start Month: 8

End Month: 18


  • Preparation of EM associations action plan
  • Networking with EM stakeholders and citizens in WBC
  • Creation of EM association in WBC
  • Creation of EM popularisation materials


T4.1 - Action plan for EM associations: Each WB HEI partner will create the Action plan for EM associations. Action plan will be the basis for the work of EM association with the following content: aims, mission and vision for the activities of EM associations, organizational issues, activities related to popularization of EM, tools for networking with stakeholders and citizens and other relevant issues. EU partners as well as non-academic and associated partner will give expert advices for preparation of action plans in WB HEIs.

T4.2 - Networking with EM stakeholders and citizens in WBC: Local workshops with the aim to create network with EM stakeholders and citizens and creation of EM association in WB HEIs will be organized (at least one per each WB HEI). The workshops will be organized by WB HEIs in cooperation with high schools, people with disabilities, NGOs, local self-governments and business representatives related to EM. At least 20 participants per local workshop is foreseen. Non-academic and associated partner will facilitate networking through provision of links between WB HEIs and EM stakeholders.

T4.3 - Creation of EM associations: Each WB HEI will create EM association composed of all relevant interested community members (schools, public and private companies, local self-governments, people with disabilities, citizens, etc.). It is expected that in the beginning, the number of created EM association is at least 50 per each WB HEI. WB HEIs will organize their work and provide all necessary infrastructure required for their activities within EM labs. Within associations will be organized various popularization events such as workshops with popular lectures related to the use of EM, public demonstrations with use of EM devices, EM campaigns and other awareness raising activities. Special attention will be paid to organization of popularization events called Green weeks during the second and third project year (T5.4). In this way, during the time the number of EM association members will be increased as well as awareness of the community in relation to the EM will be raised.

T4.4 - Creation of EM popularization materials: Regarding the „mission“ of EM associations - popularization of EM in WBC, all WB HEIs will develop popularization materials such as presentations, brochures, leaflets etc. Brochures will contain articles which promote and explain EM, emphasize the advantages of EM in comparison with other forms of mobility, influence on the climate changes through reduction of carbon footprint etc. Special space in the brochures will be devoted to Green Weeks event (T5.4). Materials will be in local and English languages, brochures size (B5 up to 50 pages).

Work Package 5: Implementation of EM curricula and Green weeks

Lead Beneficiary: AASKM

Start Month: 18

End Month: 36


  • Student enrolment.
  • Implementation of EM curricula.
  • Implementation of the students' internships.
  • Organizing Green Week event.


T5.1 - Student enrolment: The enrolment will be conducted in accordance with the WB HEIs procedures with precise definition of the enrolment conditions. This activity includes: call for enrolment with defined conditions for enrolment, ranking of students, registration of selected students. Each WB HEI should enrol at least 15 students on EM study programmes.

T5.2 - Implementation of EM curricula: Implementation of 10 EM study programmes (1 per each WB HEI partner) should start from academic 2024/25 (M23) and will be continued during the life time of the project and beyond it. Based on the catalogue of courses, each WB HEI will implement EM curricula, including developed manuals and learning materials (presentations) for new/modernized courses.

T5.3 - Student Internships: Students from each WB HEI will attend lectures and acquire knowledge and skills abroad (student internship). The student internships will be organized from WB HEIs to EU HEIs. The students of EM study programme will perform student internships in OU and LUT for 14 days. 10 students will attend student internship at OU (2 UPKM, 2 IBCM, 2 AUB, 2 UES, 2 AASKM) and 10 students will attend student internship at LUT (2 UPOLIS, 2UAMD, 2 UOM, 2UNSA, 2 UDBM).

T5.4 - Implementation of Green Weeks: Each WB HEI EM association will organize two popularization events called Green Week (M18 and M30). These events will be organized in the week when Earth Day is celebrated (22 April). The event will last 5 days in row with approximately 100 participants per event. Each day will have activities with different members of the community (primary schools, high schools, people with disabilities, private and public companies, NGOs, local authorities, etc.).

Work Package 6: Quality Assurance and Monitoring

Lead Beneficiary: LUT

Start Month: 1

End Month: 36


  • Development and adoption of Quality assurance plan.
  • Organization of Quality Assurance Committee meetings.
  • Preparation Reports on internal quality control.
  • Implementation of external quality control and financial audit.
  • Reports on external quality control and financial audit.


T6.1 - Creation of Quality Assurance Plan: WP6 leader LUT in coordination with the QAC and other project partners will develop and define Quality Assurance Plan and after approval use this plan as the basis for quality evaluation of the project outcomes. Internal quality control will be conducted through internal reporting: partner self-assessment reports, work progress reports, reports on evaluation of the quality of the implemented EM curricula, meetings and events. Also, based on those internal reports QAC will prepare annual Internal quality reports.

T6.2 - Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) Meetings: Six regular Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meetings will be organised. QAC meetings will be organized at the same time as workshop, study visits, promotional meetings/dissemination events as well as SC and PMC meetings, in order to minimize travel costs and costs of stay.

T6.3 - Inter-project coaching meeting: The inter-project coaching will be chance to meet and discuss the similar projects for sharing ideas, debating all project aspects and activities. The inter-project coaching activity will be held at the beginning of the second project year within the framework of study visit at TUW, as special session by M17. The organized meeting will be used to avoid mistakes and tackle problems that are similar and to analyse similarities and differences in the project objectives and outcomes.

T6.4 - External Quality Evaluation: External quality assessment will be provided through continuous presentation of the PELMOB activities and deliverables and through the peer review by the external expert in the mid-term and the end of the project.

T6.5 - External Financial Audit: The external expert will be subcontracted in order to perform financial audit of the project in the third project year.

Work Package 7: Sustainability

Lead Beneficiary: UPOLIS

Start Month: 1

End Month: 36


  • Creation of the Sustainability plan.
  • Accreditation of developed curricula.
  • Cooperation agreements between HEIs and stakeholders.


T7.1 - Creation of Sustainability Plan: Sustainability plan will have two parts, academic and financial sustainability. The procedures and recommendations for permanent improvement of innovated and developed undergraduate/master curricula, EM association activities, analysis of exploitation expenditures and revenues and the financial scheme will be established.

T7.2 - Accreditation of EM study programmes: New/modernized EM curricula will be accredited by the responsible accreditation bodies in WB countries, according to the Bologna requirements and national legislations.

T7.3 - Signing of Cooperation agreements between WB HEIs and EM stakeholders: Signing agreements on long-term cooperation between WB HEIs and EM stakeholders, state authority, scientific-educational associations, etc. Each WB HEIs is obliged to sign least 2 cooperation agreements. Cooperation will relate to the continuation of the improvement of the educational process and popularization of EM in WBC

Work Package 8: Dissemination and Exploitation

Lead Beneficiary: UPKM

Start Month: 1

End Month: 36


  • Creation of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan.
  • Development of project website and promotional material.
  • Promotion in the media & social networks.
  • Info days for student enrolment.
  • Promotion of Green weeks.
  • Promotion at scientific conferences.
  • Creating of PELMOB monography.


T8.1 - Creation of Dissemination and Exploitation Plan: Dissemination and Exploitation plan will be created at the beginning of the project and will include the following key elements: purpose, target groups, messages, methods and timing. It will identify and organise the activities to be performed in order to promote the exploitation of the project’s results and the widest dissemination of knowledge of the project. It will be planned in consultation with the project partners and approved by the Steering Committee. All partners will participate in creation of Dissemination and Exploitation plan.

T8.2 - Development of project website, platform and promotional materials: The project website will be developed and regularly maintained and updated throughout the lifespan of the project and beyond. Contents will be updated throughout the project's life cycle with information about events, outcomes and overall progress. The project platform as a part of the project website will serve for internal communication between partners. Profiles of the project on various social networks will be created and regularly updated. The promotional materials such as posters, roll-ups, brochures, pencils, notebook, folder and flyers will be printed and distributed to WB and EU partners. It will also serve for raising awareness of HEI staff, students, citizens and stakeholders on relevance of EM. Bi-annual newsletters will be posted at the project website and send by e-mail to prescribe persons. Press release, one-way communication activity, will be used as a formal announcement of project achievements to the national and international press. Newspapers/magazines (on-line or printed mass media) will be used to publish information about realized project activities and achieved results.

T8.3 - Promotion in the media & social networks: Promotion of project activities and results will be published on project social network channels: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn. All partners will promote the project on its websites (with mandatory hyperlink to the main project website) and social networks. Special emphasis will be given to popularisation of the EM in WBC. EM corner on PELMOB and WB HEIs websites will be developed and provided with all information of the EM association activities and members.

T8.4 - Info-days for Student Enrolment: 20 Info-days will be organized, two per each WB HEI during the second year of the project. WB HEI promotional materials (leaflets and brochures) will be printed distributed in order to inform future students about developed EM undergraduate/master study programmes.

T8.5 - Promotion of Green weeks: At least 20 Promotion events for Green weeks will be organized (two per each WB HEI) during the second and third project year in order to promote Green week. Different type of promotion events will be organized such as: advertisements on TV stations and billboards, info desks where will be exposed and distributed project posters, brochures, leaflets, special reflective vests with the project logo etc. Non-academic partner will also participate in promotion of Green weeks using other events organized by it.

T8.6 - Creation of PELMOB monography: The results of the project will be presented in a publication - the PELMOB monography prepared by UPKM and other WB HEIs. The publication will include: basic project information, information on developed EM curriculum, EM laboratories, EM associations. The publication will be published in English and local languages. A version of PELMOB monography will be created for each WBC. The publication will be available to other HEIs as well as to all interested organizations.

T8.7 - Promotion at scientific conferences: Project results in the form of scientific paper will be presented at international scientific conferences. The presentation of papers is planned at the following conferences: MECO conference in Montenegro (M20), INFOTEH conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina (M29), MECO conference in Montenegro (M32). Papers will be written by members of the PELMOB project team. It is foreseen participation of 26 PELMOB project representatives per each conference (3 UPKM, 2 UES, 2 UDBM, 2 UNSA, 2 UOM, 2 AUB, 2 UADM, 2 UPOLIS, 2 IBCM, 2 AATPS, 1 NKUA, 1 LUT, 1 TUW, 1 OE). Those conferences will also be used for promotion of the PELMOB project results.

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