MECO conference took place in Budva, Montenegro, June 11th-14th, 2024 in Hotel Budva. The organizer of the conference is Montenegrin association for new technologies (MANT) non-academic partner of the PELMOB project. During the conference PELMOB project had a special dissemination session in order to promote Electric mobility and project results.
MECO (13th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing) is a project of very successful events in embedded and general computing dated from 2012. It is an International Scientific Forum aimed to present and discuss the leading achievements in the modelling, analysis, design, validation and application of embedded computing systems, as well as, in the broader sense of complete computer systems with applications and related fields. MECO is one of the most referenced conferences in Embedded Computing, Cyber-physical Systems and Internet of Things. Moreover, MECO covers some other fields related to the computing and electrical engineering in general.
MECO provides an opportunity for scientists, engineers, and researchers to discuss new applications, design problems, ideas, solutions, research and development results, experiences and work-in-progress in these important technological areas.
MECO covers the theory, technology, design and applications of systems supported by smart computers, such as embedded/cyber-physical systems and the internet of things. With an excellent citation score and strong keynote programme featuring outstanding, multidisciplinary speakers, including Nobel laureates, the conference has become a major event in the computing systems calendar.
MECO is a conference of highest scientific and professional recognition, INDEXED in the distinguished Databases or Digital Libraries as IEEE xPlore. SCOPUS, WoS, Microsoft Academic etc.
The outstanding papers in extended version will be invited for publication in Elsevier’s SCIE journal Microprocessors and Microsystems, operated by our strategic partner EUROMICRO.
For the authors who are late in the application or their research is not completed to the level of regular paper, MECO gives the possibility of publication in its Works in Progress Session. These articles may be shorter and less complete than regular conference papers, but they undergo a regular review. They are published in our WiPiEC Journal, covered by Google Scholar (not by IEEE XPlore).
More information are available at the following link:
First day
Following the participants registration, the special PELMOB session of the MECO Conference started with the welcome speeches of the Radovan Stojanovic MANT director and Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Arsic, coordinator of the PELMOB project.
The first presentation given to participants was Towards a Distributed Continuum Computing Platform for Federated Learning Based Self-Adaptive IoT Applications given by Nabil Abdennadher, Univ. of Applied Sciences, West. Switzerland, CH.
Following this Dr Aleksandra Petrovic, UPKM, presented main project results of the PELMOB project to participants with the emphases on the main project results. After this Dr. Aleksnadra Petrovic presented main results of the DGTRANS Erasmus + project, where UPKM is coordinator.
After short break, all partners had opportunity to see Terra Taxi demonstration of EV charging and to discuss on issues related to EM. After this presentation and discussion among the partners the meeting continued with the third QAC meeting and ended at 17:00 p.m.
Second day
Following participants registration PELMOB special session at MECO 2024 Conference. This session has been devoted to the presentations of the research papers of the PELMOB partners as well as other participants of the conference as follows:
· Multicore Design Technologies and HW Security – From Academia to Industry, Rainer Leupers RWTH AU;
· Simulating a cyber-attack on an autonomous sea surface vessel’s rudder controller, Igor Astrov and Sanja Bauk, TUT;
· ECG and PPG Signals Monitoring by Using Web Audio API, Radovan Stojanovic and Jovan Djurkovic;
· Performance of the FSO System Modeled with Gamma – Chi-square Distribution and DPSK and BPSK Modulation Scheme, Branimir Jaksic, Jelena Todorovic, Nebojsa Arsic, Aleksandra Petrovic and Vladimir Maksimovic, Aleksandra Petrovic, UPKM;
· Exploring Automation Frontiers with the Industrial Metaverse: Potential Benefits and Challenges, Mirjana Maksimović, Marko Bošković, Tomislav Šekara and Budimir Lutovac, UES;
· Interpixel Charge Dynamics in Trench-Isolated Si-Based Sensor, Gordana Lastovicka-Medin and Mateusz Rebarz, UOM;
· Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicles (FCEV) – Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) – Comparison and Future Challenges, Christos Pergamalis, Eleftherios Tsampasis, Ioannis-Christos Dedes and Charalambos Elias NKUA;
· Calibration of a Single Axis Solar Tracking Mechanism, Edin Šemić, Emir Nezirić and Samir Vojić UDBM;
· Development of embedded system for active pendulum tuned mass damper, Emir Nezirić UDBM, Semir Mehremić UDBM &
· “Securing Durres Port’s Digital Transformation: Cybersecurity Strategy for Maritime Industry”, Alma Golgot UAMD.
The last session of the second day was presentations of WP leaders of the deliverables realized at the mid-term project results in order to disseminate all achievements among the partners, with special focus on the student enrollment plans as one of the most important ongoing activity. With the conclusions of the day second day of the meeting ended at 17:30 p.m.
Third day
Third day of the conference after participants registration, started with the presentation PELMOB project results presentation at Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of things presented by Radovan Stojanovic.
Following this, few sessions have been organized in order to disseminate project popularization materials as well as student enrolment in the next school year on the newly developed study programs within PELMOB project, the EM courses and it`s content, EM laboratories established, equipment purchased and finally roundtables with the conference participants in order to network the partners with different stakeholders.
Specifically, the following sessions have been organized:
· Distribution and presentation of the EM popularization and PELMOB promotional materials created by WB HEIs;
· Enrollment term at WB HEIs at glance in academic 2024/25 year – Showcase of Development of EM curricula and labs &
· Networking activities with stakeholders at MECO Conference – roundtables, discussions and promotion of the PELMOB project result.