
No. Deliverable Due date Status
WP1: Project Management and Coordination
D1.1 Decisions on establishment of project bodies 28-02-2023 completed
D1.2 Project management plan created 31-03-2023 completed
D1.3 Partnership agreement prepared and signed 31-05-2023 completed
D1.4 Reports on meetings 30-11-2025 in progress
D1.5 Tools for management 30-11-2025 in progress
WP2: Introduction with Key Issues for Popularization EM in WBC
D2.1 Report on key issues for EM in EU and WBC 31-03-2023 completed
D2.2 Report on analyses existing curricula related to EM in EU and WB HEIs 31-05-2023 completed
D2.3 Report on Survey of EM community awareness 31-07-2023 completed
WP3: Development of EM Curricula and Labs
D3.1 Decisions on establishment EM labs 29-02-2024 completed
D3.2 Catalogue of competences 30-11-2023 completed
D3.3 Catalogue of courses 29-02-2024 completed
D3.4 Report on Study visits 1 31-07-2023 completed
Report on Study visits 2 31-10-2023 completed
Report on Study visits 3 31-12-2023 completed
Report on Study visits 4 30-04-2024 completed
D3.5 Teaching materials prepared 31-05-2024 in progress
WP4: Creation of Associations for Popularization of EM in WBC
D4.1 Action plan for EM associations created 31-01-2024 completed
D4.2 Networking with EM stakeholders and citizens realized – Reports 29-02-2024 completed
D4.3 EM associations operational 30-04-2024 in progress
D4.4 EM popularization materials created 31-05-2024 in progress
WP5: Implementation of EM Curricula and Green Weeks
D5.1 Students enrolledĀ  – Reports 31-10-2024 not started
D5.2 Green Weeks realized – Reports 31-05-2025 in progress
D5.3 Student internships implemented – Reports 31-07-2025 not started
D5.4 Undergraduate/Master Curricula Implemented – Reports 30-11-2025 not started
WP6: Quality Assurance and Monitoring
D6.1 Quality Assurance Plan created 31-05-2023 completed
D6.2 Report on Inter-project coaching meeting 30-04-2024 completed
D6.3 Reports on external evaluation 1 30-05-2024 not started
Reports on external evaluation 2 30-11-2025 not started
WP7: Sustainability
D7.1 Sustainability plan created 31-05-2023 completed
D7.2 EM curricula accredited 31-10-2024 not started
D7.3 Cooperation agreements signed 30-11-2025 in progress
WP8: Dissemination and Exploitation
D8.1 Project website and promotional materials created 28-02-2023 completed
D8.2 Dissemination and exploitation plan created 30-04-2023 completed
D8.3 PELMOB monography prepared 30-09-2025 not started
D8.4 Reports on Promotional events and conferences 30-11-2025 in progress
D8.5 Profiles of the project on various Social Media 30-11-2025 in progress
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